Nature has always been the greatest source for restorative remedies for skin. The naturally occurring elements in these botanicals polish the surface of the skin, uproot dead skin cells, refine tone and texture to create a radiant look. Botanical Dermapeel method was discovered in 1950 in Eastern Europe, improved and originated today by Clinical Aesthetic Research, Inc. The results are exceptionally appealing: improvement of superficial skin texture, without destroying live cells.

This amazing peel will clear-up acne and break outs, fade sun damage, hyperpigmentation, freckles, pregnancy mask, reverse premature aging, improve superficial lines and dilated pores, maintain a younger, brighter and healthier appearance!

How is it different from the Micro Dermabrasion?

Crystal Microdennabrasion is the method of abrading the epidermis with Corundum Crystals. Green's method uses herbs which are more friendly, nonirritating and provide lasting results. A light, rosy, flashy look after the Green Botanical Epidermabrasion is associated with accelerating blood circulation (not an irritation) which means healing, rejuvenation, and oxygenation.

How is it different from a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peel is a procedure based on chemical solution: Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Jessner's Solution, TCA 10-25% and others. Botanical Dermapeel is based on a herb, which is safer and more controllable than the chemical peel. It can be performed on all skin types, color and age.

What results can you expect?

Younger and healthier looking skin. You will see clarity and texture improvements, as well as decreasing of the pores size, lightening of dark spots and clearing out of blemishes and acne (depending on the peel level).

After the peel skin feels prickly. Pink and tingling sensation are normal and do not indicate a negative reaction. Some flaking dryness and stratum corneum sloughing is ocure resulting in clear, smoother skin.

How does this method work?

Green Botanical Dermapeel can be done on three levels, depending on your skin.

This procedure is "exercising" facial skin, sands away dead cells, while improving the circulation. Skin will get an extremely healthy and glowing look right after the treatment. This method can be repeated every two weeks for all skin types and incorporated with a facial.

This treatment provides some flaking of dead skin. Level II, having Cosmetic and Therapeutic benefits for fresher skin, decreases a sallow appearance, evens out skin tone, clears up acne, lightens pigmentation, minimizes large pores, as well as smoothing and firming the skin. This procedure can be repeated every four weeks for all skin types.

This natural peeling technique provides a high level of exfoliation/flaking. The peeling process will occur naturally, just like a snake shedding its skin. This procedure is perfect for acne scars, pigmentation, sun damage and wrinkles. It can be repeated every 2-6 months to achieve the desired results. You will see dramatic results after the first treatment, improving skin clarity and its overall appearance. It can also be performed on hands, back and chest areas. You should expect a brightening, tightening effect and a reduction in pigmentation and wrinkles. You will see color and texture improvements as well as a decreasing of the pores size and a clearing out of acne in just one treatment.

Ask your skin care professional or a dermatologist performing the treatment which level is right for you.

How long does the treatment take?

The procedure takes 30-40 minutes, depending on the level performed.

How long is the healing process?

NO DOWN TIME! Healing time varies and depends on the level performed.

What should a home care regimen be post treatment?

LEVEL I: After the treatment DO NOT wash the face for the rest of the day. You may continue to use your regular skin care regime and make-up the next day.

LEVEL II: DO NOT wash face (no water contact) for the first 3 days after the procedure. Skin should be cleaned and balanced 2-3 times a day with a cotton ball soaked in Herbal Lotion (or other natural, herbal toner). No make-up or creams are allowed the first 3 days. After 3 days post procedure, you may continue to use a regular skin care regiment and apply make-up. Avoid AHA products, Retin A, Renova and facial scrubs for one week post peel. For best results, you should apply the Green Natural Cream (or other non-chemical sun block) each morning for sun protection and prevention of future sun damage. For long term rejuvenation, use 10% AHA or Active-C Cream (or other hydrating and rejuvenating treatment product) at night.

LEVEL III: SAME AS LEVEL II. When the peeling process starts, you may continue with a regular home care regime. NO picking of the peeling skin is permitted. Start using a sun protecting cream (Green Natural Cream) every morning to shield the delicate "new" skin.